Monday, 19 May 2014

Exercise 2B

Production schedule still to be uploaded. My blogger is having technical difficulties.

Title of the show:
‘The Beat’

A beat is a piece of terminology that is commonly used within the world of music. It is used to measure the pace in which a piece of music is being played and composed, setting how it being played.

I have used the name ‘The Beat’ for my show as not only is it just two syllables and rolls off the tongue, but it also is musically related, allowing people to assume that it has been chosen for a specific reason. It also sounds good in different sentences. For example,

“Did you see Chris Brown on The Beat last night?”
“Apparently, Drake is on The Beat next week!”
“It’s straight home to do some work for me, then I’ll probably watch The Beat and see who’s on that tonight!”

The logo I have chosen for the TV show that I am creating is bright and spunky, the colours definitely stand out against the white I am thinking of using the logo as the background as well, but with the paint actually splattering against the wall throughout the show.

Personally, I believe that if the set is too fixed, it can make the show look quite stiff and forced. By ‘too fixed’ I mean the chairs are placed in exact positions and therefore look slightly uncomfortable to sit on. Amazingly, this also has an impact on the viewer, if the interviewer looks uncomfortable, this reflects onto the viewer and how they feel. For my show, I think that blue sofa seats would be adequate, as they are rather comfortable and therefore carries a relaxed tone alongside it. Two chairs would work well, one for each presenter, and then one longer chair opposite them for the guests to comfortably sit in.
In the middle of them both, I would want there to be a small, round, wooden table that has a few drinks on there. I got this inspiration from ‘Alan Carr Chatty Man’ in which he always offers his guests a drink, which always loosens the atmosphere and lets go of any nervous tension that the guests may have, especially if this is one of their first shows in a long time. Therefore I would like to apply the same knowledge, as most guests will probably be anxious. Also, the green screen behind will carry the background, which, again, will be the logo and paint splattering, the different shades of blue paint continuously being splattered onto the white background throughout the interview.

I have range of ideas that I would like to use in terms of both opinion and trivia. These include:
“Who wore it best?”
This is when the guests are shown two pictures of two different singers wearing the same outfits and they must judge in the space of five seconds who wore it best. For the viewer, both of these pictures will be shown in a cutaway shot and therefore, only the guest’s voice and opinion can be heard.
“Yah or nah?”
This is a feature in which the guests are asked on three singers each, if they would date them or not. It is another quick fire feature, therefore the appropriate answers are ‘yah’ or ‘nah’. Also, both of those words are quite common in today’s social media, therefore it can appeal to the audience, who are roughly aged between 14-20.
“Who the hell tweeted that?”
A range of stupid tweets from the social networking site of ‘Twitter’ are sent in and the guests have to decide who tweeted it, from a range of three accounts. They say the word ‘BEAT’ if they know the answer and whoever says it the quickest is allowed to answer. Obviously, if the answer is correct, they get the point.
“Finish the lyric…”
Just for the fun of it, they are given a range of different lyrics, but not only do they have get the lyric correct but they also have to sing it back to the interviewer in a tune that is at least similar to the actual song.

I believe that it is all too easy to cast the wrong people in the job of presenting. For example, if the presenters are awkward and stiff, the whole programme becomes awkward and stiff. Therefore, I would like the presenters to be as loose and genuine as humanely possible, but also without being faked. They should have witty banter between themselves and also make sure that the guests are equally as involved, because if the guest feels involved then the audience is probably likely to feel involved as well. If one of the presenters makes a joke, I would expect the other one to bounce off that joke and perhaps keep it a running theme. Also, I find it very excitable to view magazine shows in which the cast and crew can be heard laughing as well, as it makes the whole show a lot more comfortable and chilled.

6:30 – ‘The Beat’ comes on the screen and the VT clip is shown on what we have coming up on the show and this includes many small clips of the music videos. This lasts for one minute. Then this fades to two empty chairs.
6:31 – Both of the presenters run into the chairs and quickly slam themselves into them, then introducing  the show. The banter between them should be rather witty, such as one presenter exclaiming that her chair was too hard and she needed a pillow behind her, one of the crew then chucking a pillow. They explain what’s happening in the show today in slightly more detail than the VT clip.
6:32 – The first guest comes on. Before this, the presenters introduce them and a VT clip is played of their ‘past work’. This could be bloopers of them filming or little clips of them doing other work, which should last around 20 seconds. When this is over, they cut back to the interview and the guest walks out.
6:33 – Just like ‘Alan Carr Chatty Man’, the guest would walk out to music and may even do a little dance before greeting both of the interviewers and sitting in the chair opposite. The interviewers suggest that they have a drink of some sort - Ribena, Coke, etc.
6:34 – 6:37 – The interview begins and its supposedly a very comfortable tone. Nothing is awkward and everything is relaxed. Questions such as ‘How was it filming in such a tight schedule?’ and ‘What do you want to achieve this year?’ and ‘How did the fans react to the video when it first came out?’
6:38 – Now, it’s ‘Awkward O’Clock’. This is a feature that lasts one minute in which viewers tweet the show with questions that could be slightly awkward. There is a countdown on the green screen so the guests can see exactly how long they have left. The interviewers would make this less of an awkward experience and more humorous. Questions such as ‘Who are you dating right now?’ and ‘Are the rumours about so and so true?’ and ‘Which singers would you hate to collab with?’
6:39 – The first music video is shown (one minute and thirty seconds)
6:41 – ‘Who wore it best’. The first opinion feature happens. Three outfit clashes are given and the guest states who they prefer.
6:43 – ‘Who the hell tweeted that?’ The first trivia feature happens. Again, three tweets are given out and the guest has to guess who tweeted it. The tweets would be rather bizarre and strange.
6:45 – The first guest goes and the second music video is shown. (one minute thirty seconds)
6:46 – The second guest appears however they launch straight into the games, after the same introduction as the first guest.
6:48 – “Yah or Nah?” They are given a choice of five singers (depending on if the guest is male or female would then determine which singers they choose) It’s a quick-fire feature which would last no more than one minute.

6:49 – “And the Lyric is…” This is the feature when the guest is given three lyrics in words and they have to sing it back to the interviewer. Everytime they get the lyric right, they get a chocolate bar.
6:51 – ‘Made Up News’… In this feature, the presenters put on fake glasses and they talk about spoof headlines that are a play on the most topical headlines in the world of showbiz today. It  is meant to be humorous and the crew should be heard laughing in the background, encouraging the viewer to do the same.
6:53 – The last music video is shown (the same length of time as the others.)
6:55 – Then its time for the viewer to be involved. They are able to tweet in what rate out of ten they would give the guests and depending on the average rate, they place a Velcro sticker containing the guest’s head in a certain position on the ‘Beat-O-Metre’, therefore able to compare it to the other guests.

6:58 – A VT clip is then shown on what is on next week before it cuts back to the presenters who are now getting ready to go, before they bid them goodbye and then stand up and the lights dim as they begin to actually leave the building.